
Get a Highly Targeted C-Level Decision Makers List in 4 Easy Steps

We have the most accurate list of CEOs and other C level decision makers.

Our list contains a large selection of C-Level job functions/ Job titles at different organizations. You can market to the most powerful people holding large budgets in the companies of your choice.

1. Review the relevant job functions or job titles to add or exclude from the list you want to order. Each department within a large organization is headed by a C level person. For example: CMO heads the Marketing department, CIO heads the IT/Information department, and CFO or Controller heads the Finance department. See the matrix below for more examples.

List of CEOs (Chief Executive Officer) List of CFOs (Chief Financial Officer) List of COOs (Chief Operations Officer) List of CTOs (Chief Technology Officer) List of CIOs (Chief Information Officer)
List of CAOs (Chief Administrator Officer) List of CMOs (Chief Marketing Officer) List of CSOs (Chief Sales Officer) List of CPOs (Chief Procurement Officer) List of CKOs (Chief Knowledge Officer)
List of CQOs (Chief Quality Officer) List of CROs (Chief Revenue Officer) List of CISOs (Chief Information Security Officer) List of Presidents List of Owners

2. Pick the relevant geography: Sales Inside Inc can provide leads list from North America, Europe, APAC, ANZ, Global. Select the geographic region that is most relevant to you.

3. Pick the right size of companies: Do you want to target small and mid-size businesses, large corporations, enterprise or fortune companies? Tell us about your preference measured by either revenue or number of employees.

4. Is industry segment important to you? If yes, tell us which industry you want to market to like Retail, Manufacturing, Technology, Business services etc. or even SIC / NAICS codes.

To Get a C-Level Decision Makers List…

Fill out the form on your right and our data consultant will contact you to discuss your needs and give you data count, sample, and a quote for the list matching your criteria.

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